Jon Hamm helped us help tax season suck less get their taxes won (as opposed to done) with H&R Block's full spectrum of tax prep solutions. He was a pleasure to work with. And gawk at.
I worked with my partner to craft the scripts as well as throw my very specific visual stank on the spots wherever it was needed; like stepping up the weird by literally making a clown out of Jon, putting grown men in giant gummy bear costumes, sprinkling some extra mysticality in the night sky, giving Jon a furry friend to accompany him in his official portrait.
H&R Block — Get Your Taxes Won
"Serious" :30TV
H&R Block — Get Your Taxes Won
"Advance" :30TV
H&R Block — Get Your Taxes Won
"Smoke Screen" :30TV
H&R Block — Get Your Taxes Won
"Nice" :30TV
We helped expose Jon Hamm's method behind his madness, happiness
and hammyness in the form of an adequately long short film called
"The Method"...naturally.
H&R Block — Get Your Taxes Won
"The Method" Minor motion picture
When all those moneys from your tax return start rolling in, you need something productive to do with all that energy. We created and choreographed a tutorial on Snapchat that shows the good tax paying citizens of America how to do H&R Block's "Money Dance".
We found the most talented normcore dancer in Minneapolis and put him to work. And work it he did. Right down to his phone holster. My heaviest touch was on the set design,wardrobe, keeping the hips shaking and dance moves baking.
When people get a huge tax return, they may experience a sense of euphoria. We created a Snap lens that recreates this feeling and let them hype their fat tax return to their friends and followers.
I developed the concept, worked with Snapchat to perfect the functionality and look and hassled my co-workers to be our test subjects. A whole lot of people got $ faced.